An Apology

I want to take a moment to apologise for how poorly I have treated this blog over the past year. One of my resolutions for 2018 was to be more consistent with my blog. Clearly, I have spectacularly failed at that. I posted on this page a grand total of 7 times in the past year. In previous years, I had managed to post several times that amount. Even in 2017, I posted 51 posts which averages out as one a week. Seven posts in a year is unacceptable. Utterly unacceptable and I only have myself to blame. I forgot the reason why I started this blog. I had wanted to share my thoughts with the world and instead found myself thinking too much about how I was going to present my post instead of just writing it. I could have posted a blog post at any time about anything that I wanted to. However, I found myself making sure that the photos were perfect and that I had enough to say about this book and that thing. I should have just posted something that inspired me to write. I could have posted my Photoshop manipulations. I could have posted photos from a cosplay photoshoot that I did for a colleague. I could have posted photos from my holidays or of my Christmas tree. I could have written a post about any number of things but I was lazy.

So, going forth, I am going to be more consistent and I'm going to remember why I fell in love with blogging in the first place. No more being lazy. Wish me luck. 


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